
The Journal of General Education, published two issues per year by the Center of General Education, is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal. The Journal welcomes submissions of research exploring education related to social science, humanities, languages, natural sciences and/or topics related to general education. Unpublished monographs and translated manuscripts are also welcome.

Each submission is assessed through three stages: first reviewed and assessed by the chief editor as regards the format and style as well as the relevance of the topic, then reviewed by two experts who are in the field of the submitted manuscript, and finally screened by the meeting held by the editorial board.

The Journal accepts manuscripts written either in Mandarin Chinese or English. Manuscripts in other languages such as Japanese and French are also accepted. Information about how to submit manuscripts in Mandarin can be located at this website: If you are submitting in English or other languages, please use either APA style or MLA or other formats that are traditionally used in your own field of studies. APA Style/format: and APA Citation Style: cwis/ CWP/library/workshop/citapa.htm.

When submitting, be sure to include the following note: “The paper has not been sent to any other journal nor is under review by any other journal” or “This is an original publication and has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted elsewhere."
Below is the summary for preliminary acceptance for review for submission in English:

  1. The document must be in MS Word format.
  2. Abstract: The abstract should contain an informative summary of the main points of the article, including the article’s purpose, theoretical framework, methodology, types of data analyzed, subject information, main findings, and conclusions. Keep the number of words under 500.
  3. Keywords: All articles must include Keywords at the beginning of the article. List 4-6 keywords.
  4. Headings: Times New Roman size 14.
  5. Paragraphs. Double space between paragraphs. Indent the beginning of each paragraph except those immediately following a heading, quotation, example, figure, chart or table. Keep text formatting (e.g., italics, bold, etc.) to the absolute minimum if necessary. Use full justification. All lines to be against Left Hand Side Margin (except quotes).
  6. Tables, graphs or charts are included in the manuscript at the location where they are intended to appear and preceded by a table caption.
  7. Foot notes must not 'pop up' in the document. They must appear at the end of the article.
  8. All URL addresses in the text are activated.
  9. “Smart tags” should be removed.
  10. All permissions have been cleared for any copyrighted material.
  11. Provide your bio data by filling in the form at this address: http:// publication/form_01.doc
  12. All authors should submit two paper copies along with a disk or CD with the manuscripts. When formally accepted after the final reviewing stage, an email copy should be forwarded to the editor. 
  13. You can check out the previous articles for format if you are still unsure about how to follow.