Name | Title | Education | Speciality | Extension | |
Chen,Yueh-Sheng | Professor/Dean,College of Humanities and Sciences | PPh. D. in Biomedical Engineering,Iowa State University,USA | Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Peripheral Nerve Regeneration | 1800 | yuehsc@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Jung-Tsun Huang | Chair Professor | Ph.D. in National Taiwan University | Experimental and Cognitive Psychology | 1811 | jongtsun@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Mau-Hsiang Shih | Chair Professor | Ph.D. in Hokkaido University | Nonlinear analysis | 1837 | mhshih@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
You, Zhen-Xiong (Chen, Jenn-Shyong) |
Professor |
Ph.D. Institute of Space Science, National Central University, Taiwan |
Radio propagation, Remote sensing technique of phased array radar, Signal analysis and processing, Earth science | 1820 | james.chen@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Ku, Yu-ju | Professor | PhD in Japanese Literature and language, せいとくだいがく(Seitoku University) | Research Interest: Japanese language & literature, Japanese culture | 1812 | kuyj@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Hung,Wu-hsiung | Professor | , MA in History, Tunghai University | Research Interest: history of the Qin and Han, Wei, Jin, history of political systems, and Taiwan medical history | 1809 | hungwh@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Chou, Shu-Mei | Professor / Director of Humanities and the Arts | Department of Chinese Literature, Tunghai University, Doctor | Chinese Literature, Study of the Critical Review School, Appreciation Poems, Chinese Martial Arts Novel, Reading and Writing | 1822 | mercy@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Chu, Hung-Chou | Professor | PhD in French Literature, Université de Paris VIII | Western (French) drama, Western (French) literature, Western literature theories, Psychoanalysis, French teaching | 1810 | hcchu@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Kuo, Hsin-Ju | Professor | PhD in Western Literature, National Cheng Kung University | Research Interest: English and American literature, cultural studies, contemporary English novels, and medicine & western literature | 1830 | cherylkuo@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Wang, Wen-ching | Associate Professor | PhD in History, Chung Shing University | Research Interest: history of Ming and Qing dynasty eunuch, Ming and Qing dynasty history of medicine, and film & television history | 1815 | wangwj@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Huang, Wen-Chi | Assistant Professor | Ph. D. in English Teaching, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University | English reading and vocabulary, language acquisition, language testing, quantitative analysis | 1807 | glavinehuang@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Chin-Yun Hsu | Assistant Professor | Tunghai University, Ph.D | Logic, Clinical Reasoning, Critical Thinking, Ethics, Introduction of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science | 1847 | hsuchinyunmm@gmail.com |
Jan, Yi-min | Professional Technician (Assistant Professor Level) | MS in Sports, Baker University | Research Interest: tennis, sports biomechanics, tennis in materials science, and sports sociology | 1818 | ymjan@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Kuo,Hsu-Tung | Professional Technician (Assistant Professor Level) | MS in Chinese Culture University | Tennis | Beigang1107 | dungkuo@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Wang, Pei-Fan | Professional Technician (Assistant Professor Level) | Ph. D in National Taiwan Sport University | Table Tennis, Exercise Physiology, Sports Science, Health Fitness | 1826 | peifan@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Lin, Chao-Hwa | Professional Technician (Assistant Professor Level) | D.M.A., University of North Texas, USA | Piano Performance, Fortepiano Performance, Collaborative Piano, Vocal Coach, Music History | 1825 | chaohwalin@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
G. Benjamin White | Professional Technician (Assistant Professor Level) | Ph.D., Department of English, National Changhua University of Education | English: listening, speaking, reading, writing | 1818 | whitegben@yahoo.com |
Wu, Chien-Yu | Professional Technician (Assistant Professor Level) | Ph.D.,Purdue University Curriculum Studies | Curriculum Studies, Multicultural Education, Education for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, and Social Justice in Education, Multilingual Education, ELL, and ESL | 1832 | chienwu@mail.cmu.edu.tw |
Liou, You-Syue | Project Assistant Professor | PhD in Social Welfare, National Chung Cheng University | comparative pension policies, work-family balance policies, and welfare state research | 1841 | youshiue@gmail.com |
Chang, Po-Han | Lecturer | Ph.D. in Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University | Sports Biomechanics, Sports Injury Prevention, and Human Motion Analysis. | 1827 | pohan75630@mail.cmu.edu.tw |